Saturday, February 12, 2011

My GESL Event Day

The long-awaited day arrived and we picked the 20 children up from Chen Su Lan Methodist Home. Some excitement could be seen, while certain individuals seemed aloof. However, the children warmed up quickly once we reached our destination.

We began with a story-telling session and told the children about legendary heroes of the past. The stories were enhanced by the beautiful exhibition at the museum.

After which, we had the all-time favourite MacDonald’s meals for lunch. The second half of the day was spent touring the museum. The children had a chance to see artefacts and videos, listen to audio recordings, and do hands-on activities as they moved around the museum in their respective groups. The group leaders guided them by telling them the stories behind significant artefacts, and took the chance to get to know them better. 
The day ended off with reflections and prize-giving. Some children shared what they had learnt and enjoyed. Every group was then rewarded with a prize for something that they did well in. For example, being cooperative or the most attentive. Satisfied with their achievements and rewards, we headed back to the Home and said our goodbyes.

Here the video for that day!!!


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